Thursday, 4 October 2007

The first meeting has taken place and we are still alive!

So the first meeting took place at SubScene and it was very nice! Alva (me) and Daniela spent three giggling hours knitting and drinking tea, sporadically joined by Hanna and her friend who works at the café.

It was such a success story that we are welcome back again! Woohoo for being welcome back again (well, you never know) so from Tues 16th of October until Christmas there will be knitting cafés at SubScene. I don't think that I'll be there every Tuesday (oh... ok maybe I will) but that is the charm of the whole concept, everyone can come and go as they wish. Some weeks are busy, some weeks you have time for knitting, it is different all the time.

Hopefully there will be more people joining up next time, I won't bite I promise (can't guarantee Daniela though, she's a tricky one) :P



Anonymous said...

quite tricky, yes! pretending to be just a nice swiss girl in the beginning and then turning out into a monster, when i know you better. that's my tactic! anyway: i had a blast on tuesday with your "bouncing" and my stiff finger!

Anonymous said...

Jeg var innom bittelitt. Gikk opp trappen, tittet inn og snudde med en gang. xD

Aliwa said...

Benedicte, why did you leave again? As I said, I won't bite :) next time instead I hope!

And Daniela... well... have fun hiking :) Will have to work on my bouncing finger next time. The arm warmers are coming along just fine as well!